I took G8RMNI to the autobody shop to get repairs done. The shop seemed kinda seedy, so hopefully everything will turn out fine. USAA recommended them, so I trust USAA ...
I ended up renting a Mazda 6 while the repairs are being done. It sucks.
I feel like I am loafing down the road, the pick-up/pull is pathetic, the riding position is uncomfortable, the engine sounds tinny, and the upholstery is like sitting on industrial carpet.
I want my MINI back!

The Mazda 6 does have one cool feature though: The key fob is impressive-looking. The key itself feels cheap though; a laser-cut key would have upped the quality-feel factor.

By the way, the temp before I dropped off my car at the auto body shop read 100 degrees. Yowsa!